Friday, August 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Spent Monday in Sacramento, just lazing about after the hectic weekend, washing clothes etc. Tuesday morning was much of the same, added to the panic of packing everything into bags for the journey (eventually) homeward.

On Tuesday afternoon, we drove north as far as Redding and stayed in the Red Lion Hotel again. I say again, because it is the same chain I stayed at in Winemucca several years ago. More of a multi-storey motel, the rooms are nonetheless, clean, large and have coffee and wi-fi.

Had we started out earlier, my plan was to swing east on the way to Redding through the Lassen Volcano National Park. Time (and tiredness) being against that on Tuesday, a little overnight route planning (thank you Autoroute) told me we could just manage the trip before heading west that night. It was looking like a long day in prospect as there was nowhere but campgrounds and "bring your own sheets" cabins to stay over the 140 mile mountain road between Redding and Eureka on the coast.

I am SO very glad we made the trip through the park. To say that Lassen's scenery is stunning is a major understatement. Personally (as someone whoe prefers to do his sight-seeing within 50 yards of his car) Lassen is much more beautiful than Yosemite or other American parks I have visited.

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