Monday, August 21, 2006

Hotel California

Looking good
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Sad goodbyes said to Gail and David in the hotel car park in Annapolis before we drove back to Newark to crash out in Seymour's sumptuous home again. Up the following morning to reassemble our travelling gear (ie, try to cram everything back in cases) and off to Newark Airport to catch our west-bound flight (cue Joni Mitchell!)

It took a full day to travel from New York via Chicago to Sacramento so it was a great relief to find Paul waiting at the airport to meet us and our luggage. 20 minutes later and we arrived "chez Muizelaar" where I discovered just how much had changed since I was here exactly a year ago. Jay Witham was up bright and early the following morning to fit railings round the new balcony. The patio had just been relaid the week before.

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