Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Manhattan skyline at night

Manhattan skyline at night
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

On enormous benefit of being shown a city by locals is getting to places you would otherwise never discover for yourself. After a magnificent steak in New York's oldest steak house in Brooklyn, Seymour and Cynthia took us down to the Esplanade - this, unedited, is the view.

The missing part of any photo of the Manhattan skyline these days is, of course, the twin towers of the World Trade Centre. I couldn't look at this view without thinking of that tragic, destructive act that I, like many others, watched happen live on TV with incredulity and sickness. The building of the new Freedom Tower on the WTC site is surely the best response to terrorists.

And ... though the WTC is missing (and without wishing to reduce the suffering and harm caused to so many people in any way) just look at that skyline to understand that, horrific though the event was, the amount of damage caused was no more than a scratch. New York and the free world remains as strong and resolute as ever.

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