Friday, August 25, 2006

Stink hole

Stink hole
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

On the descent through Lassen Volcano National Park you reach this stinky hole - actually one of several - marking an old natural sulphur works. Yes, the place stinks of rotten eggs (it's hydrogen sulphide steam escaping from the rocks) and signs warn of not stepping off the paved areas as burns are likely.

Quite likely if the boiling noises that can be clearly heard emanating from the steam-holes is any guide.

By the time we were out of the park, it was after 3pm and still had the (now) almost 200 mile drive to Eureka to cover.

That drive (over Hwy-299) across the Coastal Range of mountains was also stunning. This is one of the best driving roads I have discovered in the USA - mile after mile of twisting, roller-coaster roads - almost entirely smooth surfaced and a complete contrast to the pot-hole ridden farm tracks they call roads further south in the state.

We stopped at a town about half-way across for coffee and to top up the essential travel supplies (GatorAid and M&Ms! :) ) but didn't stop to take any photos - we were too busy enjoying the drive and the scenery.

Managed to stay awake long enough to find yet another Red Lion Hotel and crashed into bed around 9pm.

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