Friday, August 04, 2006

Remains of a blow-out

Remains of a blow-out
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Hmmm ... this is where it gets scary. When this tyre blew, it went big-time! I had thought I must have run over some debris that had cut through the tread but when the wheel was taken off, the entire inner sidewall had separated from the tread. That is one SERIOUS failure!

The damage was too severe to be able to see whether something had cut through the side wall (though there was no damage or sign of any object being thrown around inside the wheel-arch) and I suspect that the tyre may have become blistered due to the proximity of the rear silencer box on the Spyder - something I have heard of happening to other cars.

So, I wasn't too unhappy to fit two new tyres to the back (so the tread patterns would match) as I at least can expect them to last the rest of my time in the car - road debris permitting!

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