Monday, August 21, 2006

Concorso Italiano

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Friday is, of course, Concorso day over the Monterey weekend and the show is bigger than it used to be when at Quail Lodge (which now holds its own, competing event)

Great to meet up with everyone again and see plenty of Maseratis standing on the greens - about half new cars.

We left the event around 4pm to get back for an hour's sleep before the TMC dinner at Tarpy's Roadhouse Grill ... an odd name for what turned out to be a very good restaurant in true California style.

I ate the buffalo!

Saturday was the turn of the MCI awards dinner which was again very pleasant - great to put faces to names I'd only spoken to over the Internet - Harry Garschagen and Elliot Siegel among others.

On Sunday, I had planned to go into Pebble Beach early (the crowds make it impossible to get near the place after about 8am - despite the public opening not being till 10) but a feverish sore throat and respiratory infection meant I stayed in bed until the medicine took effect :(

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