Friday, August 04, 2006

Lincoln Memorial

Lincoln Memorial
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

From Union Station, we took the trolley bus to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum where, had we had the time, we would have happily spent most of the day. We watched an IMAX movie about moon walks and lunar landscapes - very odd movie as, in part, it talked about the conspiracy theory (the one that insists the moon landings never took place but were filmed on a Holliwood back-lot) - obviously pooh-poohing that idea.

But then, just about the entire film was CGI generated!!

Understandable (the lack of high-definition IMAX technology in the 1960s being a bit of a hindrance) but ironic nevertheless.

All the Smithsonian museums in Washington are free to visit - a wonderful treasure trove - and I wish I'd had more time to spend in them. Just have to come back and spend a week here some time.

After the Air & Space museum, we took the bus round to see the war memorials and to take a peek at Abe. Impressive but so hot by then (around 4pm) we had had more than enough of the open air so headed back to an interesting looking building we'd passed earlier in the day - the Old Post Office.

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