Saturday, August 26, 2006

These things are BIG!

These things are BIG!
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Thursday and time to head back south in preparation for the homeward flight in two days time. About 30 minutes south of Eureka on Hwy-101 finds the start of "The Avenue of the Giants" - as it turns out no misnomer or idle boast.

This scenic road winds through some of the surviving groves of giant redwood trees. Stunning, majestic, gigantic, humbling - all words that have been used before but words you may not fully appreciate until you have stood among these ancient trees - some of which have been here since Egyptian times.

The scenic route is supposed to add just 30 minutes to a journey but we lingered far longer, stopping repeatedly to take photos or just take in the feeling of being there.

One stop we made was when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a fallen tree a little way off the road. It looked big from the car - up close ... well, you can see for yourself. Louise took this photo of me standing inside the fallen trunk - about 25 feet across I think!

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