Monday, August 21, 2006

Lazy days

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

We spent a few days at Paul's in Sacramento, recharging batteries (especially mine!) after the hectic pace set by Seymour in New York and the military grade agenda set by David in Virginia!

We borrowed Paul's Lincoln one day and took a trip down memory-lane - actually along I-80 over Emigrant's Gap to Donner Lake then south and along the western edge of Lake Tahoe before returning via Hwy-50 to Sacramento. Memory lane for me, at least. For Louise this was her first visit to this part of the U.S. but her desire to see lakes and mountains was most assuredly satisfied on this day alone.

At the south-west edge of Tahoe lies Emerald Bay. Idylically beautiful, surrounded by high rock walls with a small island nesteled at its heart it's obviously a popular spot. I was attracted by the pattern made by these boats as they powered into the bay.

The road out is interesting... it runs over the ridge between Emerald bay and the smaller bay to its south. No photo as the ridge is exactly one road-width wide and there were no barriers to prevent the plummet a momentary lapse of concentration might cause.

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