Monday, August 21, 2006

Hail fellow, well met!

Hail fellow, well met!
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Sunday morning - throat still sore but feeling a bit better thanks to a mix of medicines so we decided to take a drive down the famous - and stunningly beautiful - Highway 1 south from Carmel toward Big Sur.

Stopped at Hurricane Point to take some photos of the coastline and who should pull in behind us but Steve Garran from the Denver Maserati crowd. We'd seen Steve a couple of times over the weekend - he'd driven his Lancia Scorpion (known as the Monte Carlo in Europe) from Denver to Monterey for the Lancia 100th Anniversary celebration at Concorso and was now on his way to L.A. for business next week.

It was the right time for lunch so we stopped at a place called Nepenthe that had been recommended. Situated on a promontory overlooking Big Sur the view from the dining terrace was magnificent. The food was ... OK.

Chat went on covering Bora rebuilds, the provenance of historic racing Maseratis and life in general ... till we realised how much time had passed. Steve needed to be on his way to L.A. and our plan to drive further south before heading across the mountains to pick up Hwy-25 north to Hollister had flown out the window so we hurriedly retraced our tracks to Monterey and joined the traffic heading out of the peninsula.

Four hours later we were back in Sacramento with just enough energy to eat an ordered-in pizza and crash into a warm and, for the first time in over a week, comfy bed.

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