Saturday, August 26, 2006

Redwood Forest

Redwood Forest
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Although standing no more than a hundred yards or so from Highway 101, the sense of quiet and peacefulness among the redwood groves is almost over-powering.

This is the best of several shots I took trying to capture the magic of the place.

Sadly, we had to leave (though I'd be sorely tempted to come back and make my home amongst the trees and mountains of Northern California) as the afternoon wore on and the 260 mile drive to San Francisco and our hotel for the night was yet to be tackled.

These things are BIG!

These things are BIG!
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Thursday and time to head back south in preparation for the homeward flight in two days time. About 30 minutes south of Eureka on Hwy-101 finds the start of "The Avenue of the Giants" - as it turns out no misnomer or idle boast.

This scenic road winds through some of the surviving groves of giant redwood trees. Stunning, majestic, gigantic, humbling - all words that have been used before but words you may not fully appreciate until you have stood among these ancient trees - some of which have been here since Egyptian times.

The scenic route is supposed to add just 30 minutes to a journey but we lingered far longer, stopping repeatedly to take photos or just take in the feeling of being there.

One stop we made was when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a fallen tree a little way off the road. It looked big from the car - up close ... well, you can see for yourself. Louise took this photo of me standing inside the fallen trunk - about 25 feet across I think!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Stink hole

Stink hole
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

On the descent through Lassen Volcano National Park you reach this stinky hole - actually one of several - marking an old natural sulphur works. Yes, the place stinks of rotten eggs (it's hydrogen sulphide steam escaping from the rocks) and signs warn of not stepping off the paved areas as burns are likely.

Quite likely if the boiling noises that can be clearly heard emanating from the steam-holes is any guide.

By the time we were out of the park, it was after 3pm and still had the (now) almost 200 mile drive to Eureka to cover.

That drive (over Hwy-299) across the Coastal Range of mountains was also stunning. This is one of the best driving roads I have discovered in the USA - mile after mile of twisting, roller-coaster roads - almost entirely smooth surfaced and a complete contrast to the pot-hole ridden farm tracks they call roads further south in the state.

We stopped at a town about half-way across for coffee and to top up the essential travel supplies (GatorAid and M&Ms! :) ) but didn't stop to take any photos - we were too busy enjoying the drive and the scenery.

Managed to stay awake long enough to find yet another Red Lion Hotel and crashed into bed around 9pm.

Volcanoes as far as ...

Volcanoes as far as ...
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

The road through Lassen Volcano National Park gets up to about 8,500 feet above sea level. Even in late August, snow lies on the ground here and seems impervious even to direct sunlight.

My blue period

My blue period
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Taken at around 8,000 feet ... amazing scenery in every direction. I love the way the shades of blue band up through this shot.

Upper Meadow

Upper Meadow
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Up around the 7,000 foot level lies the Upper Meadow ... peace and tranquility next to the harshness of the volcanic peak.


Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

A cliched blurred water shot, I know but an abiding memory of Kings Creek - a beautiful part of the park as we drove through. This creek crosses the Upper Meadow then tumbles over some rocks as it falls - eventually (I think) forming an impressive waterfall that we saw as we descended the mountain.


Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Driving through the 31 miles of Lassen Volcano National Park it seemed that every turn of the road brought a new vista. We had planned to spend no more than an hour in the park but spent a whole morning and would - had time permitted - have spent a day or two exploring it.

The main peak here last erupted in 1915 and seems stable enough ... for now!

Looking across the park as the road (Hwy 89) traverses it, the number of smaller volcanic peaks is obvious.


Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Spent Monday in Sacramento, just lazing about after the hectic weekend, washing clothes etc. Tuesday morning was much of the same, added to the panic of packing everything into bags for the journey (eventually) homeward.

On Tuesday afternoon, we drove north as far as Redding and stayed in the Red Lion Hotel again. I say again, because it is the same chain I stayed at in Winemucca several years ago. More of a multi-storey motel, the rooms are nonetheless, clean, large and have coffee and wi-fi.

Had we started out earlier, my plan was to swing east on the way to Redding through the Lassen Volcano National Park. Time (and tiredness) being against that on Tuesday, a little overnight route planning (thank you Autoroute) told me we could just manage the trip before heading west that night. It was looking like a long day in prospect as there was nowhere but campgrounds and "bring your own sheets" cabins to stay over the 140 mile mountain road between Redding and Eureka on the coast.

I am SO very glad we made the trip through the park. To say that Lassen's scenery is stunning is a major understatement. Personally (as someone whoe prefers to do his sight-seeing within 50 yards of his car) Lassen is much more beautiful than Yosemite or other American parks I have visited.

Monday, August 21, 2006

California coast

California coast
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

I got a few good shots of the coastline along Highway 1

Hail fellow, well met!

Hail fellow, well met!
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Sunday morning - throat still sore but feeling a bit better thanks to a mix of medicines so we decided to take a drive down the famous - and stunningly beautiful - Highway 1 south from Carmel toward Big Sur.

Stopped at Hurricane Point to take some photos of the coastline and who should pull in behind us but Steve Garran from the Denver Maserati crowd. We'd seen Steve a couple of times over the weekend - he'd driven his Lancia Scorpion (known as the Monte Carlo in Europe) from Denver to Monterey for the Lancia 100th Anniversary celebration at Concorso and was now on his way to L.A. for business next week.

It was the right time for lunch so we stopped at a place called Nepenthe that had been recommended. Situated on a promontory overlooking Big Sur the view from the dining terrace was magnificent. The food was ... OK.

Chat went on covering Bora rebuilds, the provenance of historic racing Maseratis and life in general ... till we realised how much time had passed. Steve needed to be on his way to L.A. and our plan to drive further south before heading across the mountains to pick up Hwy-25 north to Hollister had flown out the window so we hurriedly retraced our tracks to Monterey and joined the traffic heading out of the peninsula.

Four hours later we were back in Sacramento with just enough energy to eat an ordered-in pizza and crash into a warm and, for the first time in over a week, comfy bed.

"THE" Red Bora

"THE" Red Bora
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Not even a concours entrant but the old girl got many an admiring glance nonetheless as she sat shining in the sunlight on the Concorso green.

More importantly, "my" red Bora (I've driven more miles in it than Paul has these past few years) got me safely around another 700 mile trip without incident or mishap.

Concorso Italiano

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Friday is, of course, Concorso day over the Monterey weekend and the show is bigger than it used to be when at Quail Lodge (which now holds its own, competing event)

Great to meet up with everyone again and see plenty of Maseratis standing on the greens - about half new cars.

We left the event around 4pm to get back for an hour's sleep before the TMC dinner at Tarpy's Roadhouse Grill ... an odd name for what turned out to be a very good restaurant in true California style.

I ate the buffalo!

Saturday was the turn of the MCI awards dinner which was again very pleasant - great to put faces to names I'd only spoken to over the Internet - Harry Garschagen and Elliot Siegel among others.

On Sunday, I had planned to go into Pebble Beach early (the crowds make it impossible to get near the place after about 8am - despite the public opening not being till 10) but a feverish sore throat and respiratory infection meant I stayed in bed until the medicine took effect :(

Reflected glory

Reflected glory
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

... or, come to that, this stunning Alfa Romeo

Otto Vu

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

... though I'd have preferred to drive this home with me

a fabulous FIAT Otto Vu (literally, V8)


Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Looks like I got caught lusting after this OSCA MT4

Louise was extremely patient while I wandered among the cars, snapping photos, noting down chassis numbers and generally lusting after voluptuous bodies - luckily for Louise, all of the automotive kind!

Pebble grill

Pebble grill
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Press credentials to the Pebble Beach Concours meant I just had to go - for the first time in about ten years.

Almost no Maserati interest (just a 4CLT and one OSCA among the entrants) but that didn't stop me from oogling a few of the cars.

Gus's place

Gus's place
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

It's good to have good friends. Especially when they go out of town each year just as you'd like to stay in their luxurious house which just happens to be conveniently positioned on a hill-side above the track at Laguna Seca - as the Historic Races are on!!

Not quite as it left the factory

Not quite as it left the factory
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Jay's Quattroporte III engine bay - with just a few changes visible. The main one being the large, straight-cut-gears supercharger that help the venerable (and much internally modified) V8 push out a shade over 700BHP last time it was on a dyno.

I can attest that this car goes "quite well" for such a big old bus!! :)

To Monterey and the cars

Line up
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

After Sonoma it was time, on Wednesday, to drive south - stopping for just an hour in San Francisco at Fisherman's Wharf for old time's sake and for a quick burger lunch. The old Dehavilland Beaver seaplane we rode in a few years ago doesn't seem to be there any more. Shame :(

A quick dash to Pleasanton to meet up with Paul and Ellen at Jay & Bev Witham's house was followed by an even quicker dash down 101 to Gilroy and the "Pre-Monterey" party thrown by Don and Sandi Treadwell at their home.

An interesting group of friends, old and new, was assembled with some interesting cars. Check out the Maclaren CanAm car they had parked on their lawn!

The party went on late so it was very dark when I had to lead Paul and Jay out of Gilroy. Thank heaven for GPS ... but not for the Bora's headlights which are both as dim as a candle and point wildly heaven-ward! Not much use when you need to see where you're going along unlit country lanes!

At least once we reached 101 I could drop back and let Paul and Jay overtake - allowing me to follow their lights. About 20 minutes shy of our destination (Paul's friend Gus's empty house above Laguna Seca) Jay came to a sudden halt in front of me, clouds of smoke appearing from his (much modified) engine bay. The water-pump belt had snapped. Thankfully, AAA got there in record time and the only damage was the belt and a little lost coolant so the car was back on the road the following morning.

Aerial photography

Aerial photography
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Paul's a wine buff so a visit to the northern California wine country was always on the cards.

As it was Louise's birthday on this part of the trip, I had booked us a couple of nights in a superb spa hotel in Sonoma. On Louise's actual birthday I dragged her (and me!) out of bed at 4am for the ride in a hot air balloon I'd booked as a surprise.

I'd booked a ride over the Sonoma valley but, as luck would have it, one of the fogs the area is famous for made flying over either Sonoma or Napa valleys impossible so the early start was followed by an hour's drive to Winters - half way back to Sacramento (just a short way north of Vacaville).

The company we were flying with flew five large balloons - each taking between 16 and 20 passsengers - and the sight of so many balloons in the air at once added greatly to the experience. Flying over the farm area around Winters was possibly more interesting than the wine valleys anyway as the fields held varying crops - several of which were being harvested.

After the flight it was back to Napa for a champagne brunch before being taken back to our hotel - where Louise had appointments for a cornucopia of spa treatments.

And I fell asleep in the room!

All in all, not a bad way to start the day.

Lazy days

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

We spent a few days at Paul's in Sacramento, recharging batteries (especially mine!) after the hectic pace set by Seymour in New York and the military grade agenda set by David in Virginia!

We borrowed Paul's Lincoln one day and took a trip down memory-lane - actually along I-80 over Emigrant's Gap to Donner Lake then south and along the western edge of Lake Tahoe before returning via Hwy-50 to Sacramento. Memory lane for me, at least. For Louise this was her first visit to this part of the U.S. but her desire to see lakes and mountains was most assuredly satisfied on this day alone.

At the south-west edge of Tahoe lies Emerald Bay. Idylically beautiful, surrounded by high rock walls with a small island nesteled at its heart it's obviously a popular spot. I was attracted by the pattern made by these boats as they powered into the bay.

The road out is interesting... it runs over the ridge between Emerald bay and the smaller bay to its south. No photo as the ridge is exactly one road-width wide and there were no barriers to prevent the plummet a momentary lapse of concentration might cause.

Hotel California

Looking good
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Sad goodbyes said to Gail and David in the hotel car park in Annapolis before we drove back to Newark to crash out in Seymour's sumptuous home again. Up the following morning to reassemble our travelling gear (ie, try to cram everything back in cases) and off to Newark Airport to catch our west-bound flight (cue Joni Mitchell!)

It took a full day to travel from New York via Chicago to Sacramento so it was a great relief to find Paul waiting at the airport to meet us and our luggage. 20 minutes later and we arrived "chez Muizelaar" where I discovered just how much had changed since I was here exactly a year ago. Jay Witham was up bright and early the following morning to fit railings round the new balcony. The patio had just been relaid the week before.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Good advice, always

Good advice, always
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

After the ballgame, we drove to the nearby coastal city of Annapolis - capital of Maryland and home to the U.S. Naval Academy. David was very good about being forced away from the game before it had finished and felt only slightly better when we heard that (to nobody's great surprise) the Yankees had continued their form and won the game by what we would call a landslide.

That evening, we all had a great steak in an Outback steak house (oddly, Audstralian themed). Louise had discovered this chain on one of her previous visits to Gail and David and I had been promised an "Outback steak and flowering onion" for months. Happy to report that the wait was worth it.

We spent Monday wandering the town and taking a guided tour of the naval academy.

The city of Annapolis is American-cutesy with plenty of preserved old buildings. Very touristy - more T-shirt shops than anything else on Main Street.

The Naval Academy is enormous and extremely impressive - there's no doubt the US military is well funded and has been for a very long time. Tour guide Bob had one of the loudest voices I've heard in a while and an enthusiastic presentation style. In return for promising "five years of their lives" students at the academy get a free university education and a career as a naval officer.

And, of course, they also get brainwashed in that universal, military manner. We watched as a group of "plebes" (new recruits) were marched across the campus to a parade ground to meet 1200 of their new closest buddies in an assembly with presentation of flags and a full marching band before being marched into lunch. This ritual takes place every day at precisely the same time - even when all 4400 of the students are on campus - and everyone sits down at tables of 12 and gets served lunch and back out the door within 20 minutes.

Scariest comment? The window in the campus chapel that reminded recruits they serve on behalf of "God and country".

Not only are they protecting their backyard, they are doing it because they are RIGHT!

Sheesh - when do we learn that other people's beliefs and views count too?


Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Sunday and a very early, 5am start followed by a four hour drive north from Norfolk - all to get to Baltimore in time for the Orioles v New York Yankees baseball game ... the first I have ever been to.

The Orioles have an impressive stadium right in downtown Baltimore - about the size of St James's Park in Newcastle. The first thing that struck me was the sheer friendliness of the crowd - both Orioles and Yankees fans jibing each other but in a friendly manner. None of the tribal antagonism and hostility we see at football matches.

The weather was - once again - roasting hot. And I do mean roasting! Our seats were on one of the upper decks but sadly with no shade so exposed to the full force of the sun. The seat was so hot that I really did burn my bum when I first sat on it :( I had to put my game program on it before I could sit.

The Yankees won by an embarrassing margin - with four home runs in their tally.

Maybe it was the heat but I couldn't get as excited as everyone around me about the game. It remonded me of cricket but played at a much faster pace. When even my frequent and regular trips to the drinks stall for more water/ice cream/frozen lollies failed to keep me healthy and with the outcome a foregone conclusion, I left before the crowds at "the bottom of the ninth"

Lump in throat moment

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Spent a day visiting Virginia's Outer Banks among whose claims to fame is the site of the first English settlers to set foot on American soil and the site at Kittyhawk where the Wright Brothers made the first powered flight.

This visit was truly a "lump in the throat" moment for me. There's a good little museum dedicated to the achievement containing recreations of the Flyer and the earlier glider that proved their theories on 3-axis flight control. Most moving for me though was to walk along the field where the flights took place - the fourth and last of which over a distance of just 852 feet. Considering I was there thanks to a jet aircraft that had whisked usfrom Paris to New York (a distance of 3,000 or so miles) in about 7 hours and that we are only a little over 100 years from the Wright Brothers first success it's hard not to think about the rate of technological progress over the past century - and speculate on what may come over the next.

Personally, I hope to stay around to see as much of it as I can.

Wisconsin ... Norfolk!

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Interesting town, Norfolk Virginia. Turn a corner on a city street and the sight of a large battleship confronts you. The USS Wisconsin - a WWII destroyer - is moored downtown, permanently attached to the naval museum and free to wander around.

Friday, August 04, 2006

One famous van

One famous van
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Thursday morning and a visit to see and interview Kyle Fleming for iL Tridente. Kyle is one of "the good guys" in Maserati circles, having spent 35 years supplying parts at reasonable prices - along with a willingness to share his vast knowledge on just how old Maseratis are put together with anyone who cares to phone him.

I'm saving the full description and photos for the magazine but it was great to meet Kyle (and his wife, Pat) again and get to see his garage and hear some of his stories.

I have an invitation to visit Kyle's mythical barn (the home of the fantastic store of rare Maserati parts) and I hope I can find time to do that before I have to head back north.

Remains of a blow-out

Remains of a blow-out
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Hmmm ... this is where it gets scary. When this tyre blew, it went big-time! I had thought I must have run over some debris that had cut through the tread but when the wheel was taken off, the entire inner sidewall had separated from the tread. That is one SERIOUS failure!

The damage was too severe to be able to see whether something had cut through the side wall (though there was no damage or sign of any object being thrown around inside the wheel-arch) and I suspect that the tyre may have become blistered due to the proximity of the rear silencer box on the Spyder - something I have heard of happening to other cars.

So, I wasn't too unhappy to fit two new tyres to the back (so the tread patterns would match) as I at least can expect them to last the rest of my time in the car - road debris permitting!

Interstate blowout

Interstate blowout
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Wednesday morning we left Washington for the approximately four hour drive south to Virginia Beach. Getting out of Washington at around 9:30am proved just as easy as getting into the city - a couple of turns and we were on a feeder road that led straight to the Interstate highway we wanted.

The Interstate came to a halt, followed by a slow crawl after a few miles so we turned off onto Hwy-1 and saw a little local life for around 30 miles, stopping for brunch in a Subway along the way.

Back on I-95 and making good progress with traffic flowing at a smooth 70-80MPH, we had an interesting interlude arising from a rear tyre that blew out quite spectacularly. I managed to bring the car to a halt safely but, as can be seen, the tyre was beyond serviceable use!

The interesting part came when, having removed all my luggage from the boot, we discovered a complete set of tools and a complete lack of spare wheels - the space normally occupied by the spare now taken up by the extra oil cooler Seymour had fitted ...

Maybe I spend too much time awake in the early hours but I remember seeing one of thosed "Police, camera action!" shows of the kind of thing that can happen to a car stranded on the shoulder of an Interstate so I was paying special care to traffic - still blasting by at 70+MPH.

I told Louise to stand by the back of the car and look out for anyone straying off the carriageway in our direction.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, a young woman in a red Toyota came swaying off the road and hurtling down the rumble strip that you can see in the photo (harsh enough to rattle your teeth!) missing the door mirror of the Maserati by about the width of a cigarette paper!

Drugged or asleep, the woman carried on with two wheels rattling along the rumble strip until she was out of sight. Which was not quite as far as might have been the case because by now Louise and I were across the drainage ditch and in the bushes! At least our self-preservation instincts remain intact! :)

Next excitement? A Nissan pulled on to the shoulder about 1/4 mile beyond our position and reversed back to us. Half suspecting we were about to be held up at gunpoint and all our possessions removed for the good of the driver, we got ready to jump back into the bushes.

To our utter amazement and gratitude, the driver turned out to be a well dressed man who said he had stopped because he couldn't in all conscience see us standing at the side of the road in the intense heat - and offered a lift to the next town. Chivalry and good manners are alive and well - and I got a good lesson in cynicism.

I phoned Seymour who arranged for AAA to come and collect the car. I was still worried about being rear-ended by another dozy driver so I was extremely relieved when a highway security patrol arrived and parked behind us, lights and big warning arrow signs ablaze. The guy was extremely friendly and chatted away for the hour it took for the tow truck to arrive - during which Louise sta in the one remaining seat in his air-conditioned cab and I spent more time "sunbathing" than I had honestly planned - I now have medium-rare calf muscles!

Once the car was on the back of the flat-bed, things got better - a short ride to the nearest town found a tyre depot that had tyres of the right size (if not the brand Seymour would have preferred) and an hour's wait while they were fitted was the easy part - the $240 bill was the OUCH factor of the whole episode.

The hour Louise spent in the beauty parlour next to the tyre shop having a manicure was the bonus of the episode - or so I am told! ;)


Capitol closer
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

The Old Post Office was originally just that. It was scheduled for demolition some years ago but saved by one of those determined American women who interest themselves in good causes - and all power to her (sorry I forgot her name ... Nancy something, I think).

The building now houses some of the Smithsonian admin offices and the central courtyard has been roofed over, air conditioned with some small shops and a food court in its lower levels. Oddly, as it's considered a "government building" (because of the Smithsonian offices I assume) there's a full X-ray scan and metal detector search to get into the place - a truly bizarre way to enter what is, in essence, a small shopping mall.

Never mind - maybe it was the security that kept the crowds away as inside it was cool, airy and refreshingly crowd-free.

The building has a tower, making it one of the highest buildings in the downtown area and the ride to the top (on two elevators) is free. There's even a friendly guide once you get up there to give the names of the buildings you can see and describe the sights.

Lincoln Memorial

Lincoln Memorial
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

From Union Station, we took the trolley bus to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum where, had we had the time, we would have happily spent most of the day. We watched an IMAX movie about moon walks and lunar landscapes - very odd movie as, in part, it talked about the conspiracy theory (the one that insists the moon landings never took place but were filmed on a Holliwood back-lot) - obviously pooh-poohing that idea.

But then, just about the entire film was CGI generated!!

Understandable (the lack of high-definition IMAX technology in the 1960s being a bit of a hindrance) but ironic nevertheless.

All the Smithsonian museums in Washington are free to visit - a wonderful treasure trove - and I wish I'd had more time to spend in them. Just have to come back and spend a week here some time.

After the Air & Space museum, we took the bus round to see the war memorials and to take a peek at Abe. Impressive but so hot by then (around 4pm) we had had more than enough of the open air so headed back to an interesting looking building we'd passed earlier in the day - the Old Post Office.

Union Station

Union Station
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

I like American railway stations - especially the ones in the big cities I've visited. They are inevitably spotlessly clean, air conditioned and offer a collection of interesting food and shopping opportunities!

Union Station lived up to expectations with some superb architecture to match. We had lunch in the cafe on the roof of the information booth then wandered around - probably spent more time there than we would normally but it was COOL! :)

Clang, clang, clang

Clang, clang, clang
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Given the weather, the only sensible way to get round the city and see the sights without flaking out (or losing the sight in one eye!) was on a tour bus.

A company called Oldtown Trollies runs an excellent service using buses built to look like old trolley cars - not air conditioned but shady and easy to take pictures from. Not that I took many pictures 'cos it was too darned hot to hold a camera!

Buddha Belly

Buddha Belly
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Fine figure of a man, eh? ;)

Washington is a fascinating city - well laid out with monumental architecture and normally a city I'd walk round. Not this time! With shade temperature at 100F with humidity to match (the tour bus driver came up with the term "humature" to describe the combined effect of high temperature and humidity :)) any time outside is asking for trouble.

Louise took this photo of me anyway ... just to prove I was there! :)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Manhattan skyline at night

Manhattan skyline at night
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

On enormous benefit of being shown a city by locals is getting to places you would otherwise never discover for yourself. After a magnificent steak in New York's oldest steak house in Brooklyn, Seymour and Cynthia took us down to the Esplanade - this, unedited, is the view.

The missing part of any photo of the Manhattan skyline these days is, of course, the twin towers of the World Trade Centre. I couldn't look at this view without thinking of that tragic, destructive act that I, like many others, watched happen live on TV with incredulity and sickness. The building of the new Freedom Tower on the WTC site is surely the best response to terrorists.

And ... though the WTC is missing (and without wishing to reduce the suffering and harm caused to so many people in any way) just look at that skyline to understand that, horrific though the event was, the amount of damage caused was no more than a scratch. New York and the free world remains as strong and resolute as ever.

Grand Central Station

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

I just had to visit this place again. If memory serves, it has been restored since I was last here in the early 1980's and now looks more magnificent than I remember it. Louise had never been here so her reaction - and comparison to our main stations such as Kings Cross - was fun to see.

Of course, it's hard not to look at the main hall here without smiling at the thought of the surreal dance scene Terry Gilliam shot here for Baron Munchhausen.

Village life

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Sad to say that much of the character of Greenwich Village has disappeared - the coffee shops, Tibetan artefact merchants, art and book stores have disappeared as the area has become prime real estate.

So, it was good to see that Linda, the "psychic consultant - first session $10" was still in business!

Right next door to a Tibetan store, too :)

Live music

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Despitethe traffic, we beat our hosts to the Village so sat behind the monument in Washington Square Park to listen to this group of musicians who were jamming along.

If these guys weren't professionals, they darn well should be. The best though was hearing them perform just for the pleasure of making music.

Busy city

Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Discussing music with Seymour (he was a rock musician for many years) I mentioned seeing Eric Sardinas a few months ago with Leo. Seymour had never heard of him so we scoured NYC looking for a CD - eventually finding one in the fifth store I tried - the Virgin Megastore on Times Square. By then, we were late for the lunch appointment with Seymour & Cynthia in an Italian restaurant down in Greenwich Village so jumped into a cab.

This was the result!


Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

After the park, we took a walk part-way down 5th Avenue, stopping in department stores and buildings to cool down (America's mastery over its climate remains evident in the way the buildings are super-cooled in summer and super-heated in winter).

Coming across this Gant store, imagine my delight on finding its summer sale was in full swing. Just had to buy a few shirts! :)

Japanese Koto

Japanese Koto
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

The Koto is a kind of Japanese harp (at least that's the closest thing it sounds to). Music is everywhere in New York - these ladies were tuning up prior to giving a free performance in the band shell

A view of Central Park

A view of Central Park
Originally uploaded by eqdynamics.

Yegods it's hot here! Well into the 90's F with humidity to match. I always prefer to walk round cities, finding that the best way to discover sights and sounds you'd miss any other way but i managed to lose the vision in my left eye on the second day through heatstroke or a blood pressure problem and had to be helped into a cool restaurant by Louise and Seymour where I eventually recovered after about an hour and plenty of fluids :( Ho hum ...

New York is a great city - it's hard to think of anywhere else on the planet that has such a buzz about the place. Even in the summer heat, New Yorkers go about their business like over-wound clockwork mice. Me, I just amble along trying to keep cool. Staying in Cynthia's apartment on W.71st right next to Central Park, an obvious starting point was to walk through the park. Coming back after around 20 years, the changes are manifold - not to the park but to the feel of the place. The druggies and winos have all gone and the park feels SAFE!

On a hot afternoon, we found a shady place in the park and lay down - this photo is one of my favourite memories of the park ... I was cool for a while!

Seymour and Cynthia were not just great and generous hosts, they also love their city and took me to some fantastic restaurants and sights I