Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pasteur - in Arbois

Pasteur - in Arbois
Originally uploaded by George Perfect
A statue in Arbois celebrates Louis Pasteur. Best known for his work with micro-organisms and the pasteurisation process that bears his name, Pasteur also discovered the secret of producing consistently good wine. Before his research, batches of wine would almost randomly turn out sour (ggod enough for vinegar, at best). He discovered that good wine relies on use of the proper yeast during fermentation - and then, heat treatment (the pasteurisation process again) to kill off that yeast to prevent the wine from souring in the bottle.

You could argue that he lay the foundation for the prosperity of every wine maker since. And, as a town reliant on the wine industry for its very obvious prosperity, who better for the good burgers of Arbois to celebrat in their town square?

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