Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fame at last

One of my photos of the White House taken last summer has been chosen by Schmap to illustrate its on-line guide to Washington DC. Schmap looks like an interesting publishing exercise - an admittedly quick look suggests that most if not all of its material is user contributed or taken from "free" sources on the 'net - eg; maps from yahoo, pictures from Flickr (though the authors do take the time to ask permission from photographers who usually deny commercial use fo their photos - like me).

Schmap is an interesting example of a 'mash-up' - a web site created by combining feeds (ie, bits of) taken from other web sites and resources in the hope of making something greater than the sum of its parts.

I only get a few seconds of fame so wait for my name and piccie to appear in the Schmap widget here or look at the photo they used on Flickr here.